

2016年11月1日 - 5分钟阅读


“The Kool-Aid man is all about joy and summer and the good feelings that come from having good times with your friends,鲍威尔这样评价这个全面发展的吉祥物. “他是肯定的,积极的,大声的. I think they were looking for a big kid, and that’s what the difference was.”

Powell did impressions from a young age and came into his own at Faith Lutheran High School in Las Vegas where the theater program welcomed experimentation with characters and wacky voices. During a presentation of Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors, in which Powell played Dr. 菲尔在一个木偶戏的部分(不要问), he did his first sustained impression for an audience and “just fell in love with it,他说.

在欧文的康考迪亚大学 , he was a theater major and imitated people around him to hone his craft. 来捕捉小熊维尼的声音, Powell “reverse engineered” it by starting with an imitation of recently retired communications professor Martin Schramm, 谁的声音模式, 鲍威尔说, “和斯特林·霍洛威的节奏非常相似?, who did Winnie the Pooh’s voice in the sixties.”


He also mimicked provost Peter Senkbeil’s voice “because he’s kind of like Jeff Goldblum, 我已经告诉他了.” (Powell continues to do his Senkbeil impression for character auditions.)

But at the time he limited his impressions mainly to lunch tables in the caf.

“I knew I wanted to act but was afraid of it because it’s such a high chance of failure,他说. “I tried to run away from it by running into church work, which was not my direct calling. 我想,这一定是上帝想要的.”

在第一次环球旅行中, 当一个同学问上帝时,他改变了主意, 当他们在以色列四围行走的时候, “What is the weirdest thing you could see yourself doing with your theater degree?” What came out of Brock’s mouth surprised him: “I would like to be a voice actor and take over for a Disney character.”

它就这样出现了,”鲍威尔说. “我意识到这正是我想做的. Had I known that it was an incredibly difficult business to get in, I might not have done it because I went about it the completely wrong way but it seemed to work out.”

鲍威尔说 his 欧文康考迪亚大学  experience was foundational. “爱都无法表达我对协和女神的感受,他说. “那是家。, 自信和想象力的源泉, 华特·迪士尼所说的蓝天思维. I could come up with an idea and there wouldn’t be any objection. It would be faculty, staff and students saying, ‘Let’s make that happen.“我觉得自己真的被赋予了力量.

这使一切都不同了. Many auditions I had at Concordia and the classes I took were more intense than sessions I’ve done for big companies. I now carry in a level of professionalism that Concordia prepared me with.”

Perhaps most importantly, Powell claims to have named CUI’s mascot, Marty the Eagle.

“I was a freshman doing a student blog while working in 入学s,他说. “我说为什么我们不给他起名叫马蒂? 因为我们有马丁·路德和马丁·施拉姆. 我一直很喜欢施拉姆教授. 我没告诉过他我用他的名字命名了鹰.”

毕业后, Powell got a job at Disneyland doing a voice in the live show, 乌龟与迷恋的对话, 然后成为了一名格纹背心导游. 于是他冒险联系了比尔·法默, 高飞的声音, 鲍威尔最喜欢的角色之一.

“I had always been good about seeking strong mentors and felt like if I was wasting my time, 这个人会告诉我的,鲍威尔说.

农夫们邀请他过来, and so began a continuing mentorship that Powell credits for where he is today.

I find it important to keep a good group of friends who are doing what I’m doing to cheer each other on.

“Bill taught me that anyone can do a funny voice but it’s got to come from a good heart,鲍威尔说. “It’s about being kind to everybody, no matter what—to the sound engineer and front desk person. These were things I knew growing up in a Lutheran school and Concordia, but Bill exemplified this. 他体现了勤奋、谦逊和希望. He’s one of the most pleasant and optimistic people I’ve ever met. 他就像家人一样.”

They worked together for a couple of years and one day Farmer said, “You know you’re good, right?鲍威尔回忆道, “所以我不再上课了, 把我的演示放在一起, 找到了我的第一个经纪人,开始试镜和工作.”

The opportunity to voice Kool-Aid brand’s iconic spokes-jug arrived last year. The audition was unusual because it involved saying the same two words—“Oh, yeah!——用了几十种不同的方式.

“我欠Lori Siekmann和托尼Vezner的, 康考迪亚大学的戏剧教授, because they taught me to express a width of emotions and perspectives with two words,鲍威尔说.

The hardest challenge was doing a bird call while saying, “Oh, yeah.”

“We combined a little water and something like a wookie roar and they loved it,他说. 在画外音中,他们说当你听到它时你就知道了.”

鲍威尔得到了这份工作,并在那天晚上与农民们一起庆祝. 他打的第二个电话是托尼·维兹纳. Powell’s voice can now be heard in half a dozen Kool-Aid commercials, 包括与进步党发言人的交叉推广, 弗洛.

“You never know how long you have a certain character but I am grateful and hope they continue to use me to bring life to this big, 的罐子,鲍威尔说.

Powell works nearly full time doing voices for audio books, video games, toys and commercials. His other voice work recently premiered on Disney XD with Weird Al Yankovic, another hero. 他在配音界有一群亲密的朋友, 包括现在的幸运符小妖精的声音.

“I find it important to keep a good group of friends who are doing what I’m doing to cheer each other on,他说. “If you’re having an off week your friend is probably having an up week.”

鲍威尔也依赖于《十大正规赌平台平台》. 他最喜欢的经文是:耶利米书29:13, 说, “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with your whole heart.”

“I’ve always liked that one, and I’ve found it to be true,他说. “There is somehow a purpose in everything that happens, and the bad stuff turns to good stuff. When I was a kid my grandfather used to ask me, ‘Faith or fear?“你有一个选择. 作为一个演员和一个人,你必须选择信仰.”


“康科迪亚对我产生了如此奇妙的影响,”鲍威尔说. “I felt comfortable as a person first, which allows me to achieve what I need to as an actor. 这是最重要的. 它提供了一个非常强大的起点.”
