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Teaching the Sports Biz

March 14, 2022 - 7 minute read

Mark Francis and Sports Business Students

Concordia's School of Business and Economics (SOBE)正在重塑其前体育管理项目的品牌和重点 BA in Sports Business, while also launching a new MBA in Sports Business. These new programs will address market needs, 在不断变化的体育商业世界中培养更多老练的领导者. As it does, 体育产业的重量级人物都在谈论目前的形势,以及菲律宾十大网赌网站的新项目将如何帮助学生.

One supporter is Leigh Steinberg, perhaps the most wellknown sports agent in recent times, and the model for the lead character in the 1996 film Jerry Maguire. 斯坦伯格曾代表64位NFL首轮选秀和8位状元选秀, more than any other agent.

“Much in life comes down to values, and if you can instill the proper values, the importance of honesty, consistency, loyalty and make them the trademark of the students, 他们将把这些价值观带入社会和商业世界,变得更加成功、高效和富有成效,” Steinberg shared. “People will want to do business with them. They will trust their judgments. Reputation is everything, 所以(这是关于)说服一群年轻人,他们有长期的能力把这作为一种职业, but to think about long-term goals. These are teachable qualities, or emphasize-able qualities. 一个项目可以在未来一段时间内为这些学生树立道德伦理指南针.”

斯坦伯格知道康科迪亚的项目是因为他与康科迪亚体育商业项目主管的友谊, Mark Francis, who is heading up the new programs. 他们相识于12年前,当时弗朗西斯开始在加州大学洛杉矶分校教授体育商业.

“马克是独一无二的,因为他本人非常参与体育营销,可以带来真实的经验. It’s not all just theory, 但也有一些实用的技能可以学习:如何招聘或销售, how to negotiate, how to maintain client relationships” says Steinberg. “I’ve worked with him on a number of different things. 在回到学术界之前,他来和我一起工作了一段时间. I found him to be very creative and thorough. I have great admiration for his skills.”

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From Canada to SoCal

Prof. Emeritus Curt Cattau, Prof. Mark Francis, Leigh Steinberg, and George Wright, dean of

A native of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, 弗朗西斯在两所非常成功的高中和大学担任男子和女子冰球教练, winning conference and national gold and silver medals. 洛杉矶国王曲棍球队的“高管指导”将他带到了洛杉矶.A. in 2008, 他在哪里帮助团队创建基层营销计划和特殊项目, while also coaching hockey clinics.

In a happenstance of right timing, he landed a job teaching sports business at the Center for Media, Entertainment & Sports at UCLA's Anderson School of Management. 他还在加州大学洛杉矶分校的美国大学曲棍球会议男子俱乐部执教了七年.

“这两件事都让我认识了世界一流体校体育系的每个人,” Francis says.

He then worked as a consultant with a production company, BaAM Productions, 哪家公司为大型职业体育机构举办大型体育赛事, including the NHL Winter Classic, NHL All-Star Game, MLB All-Star, Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Rose Bowl game, and more.

“所有这些都让我对沉浸式球迷体验产生了兴趣,我想知道是什么吸引人们去体育场,而不是坐在家里看大屏幕电视,” he says. “In L.A. there’s a lot of competition for the entertainment dollar. There are 12 major professional sports teams here, but it’s easy to stay at home because traffic is terrible. You have to provide experiences at stadiums that fans can’t get at home.”

In 2020, 菲律宾十大网赌网站聘请弗朗西斯担任当时本科体育管理重点课程的讲师, now rebranded as a sports business degree program. His role has expanded to be program director for both the MBA sports business and undergraduate sport business programs.

“我一直想做的一件事就是运行这样一个程序,”弗朗西斯说. “Concordia gave me that opportunity. 我一直想成为这个行业的影响者,制作出高度道德的作品, qualified leaders in the sports industry. This allows me to do that. We are developing the next round of sports executives. Ethics and character are a major part of that.”

Dean George Wright 这两个项目是SoBE致力于为康科迪亚学生和当地学生服务的又一个例子, national, and international business communities. He “thanks Professor Emeritus Curt Cattau, MBA Director Drew Wolf and Program Director Mark Francis for creating, refreshing, 并提供这些独特的体育商业项目,这些项目与康科迪亚的使命宣言相一致,将以更有影响力的方式为体育商业和所有相关行业提供服务.” Steinberg, who is participating in his 48th draft this spring, agrees and says sports is essentially a relational business.

We are developing the next round of sports executives. Ethics and character are a major part of that.

斯坦伯格说:“归根结底,一切都归结为与他人的关系。. “Character, reliability, trust is key. Whether you’re an athletic director, a general manager, an agent or a reporter, 你会一遍又一遍地和同样的人打交道,你会明白,没有任何一件事值得破坏你们的关系.”

现在,体育界提供了多种就业机会——所有这些都遵循同样的基本原则. “Someone can work for a team, a league conference, an athletics department, sports branding, public relations, a players association, sports-themed content, motion pictures, documentaries—the field is exceptionally broad,” Steinberg says.

“一些学生最终可能会在现在还不存在的创业公司工作. The key is to prepare them with skills so they can move in any way. 通过获得一套基本技能,专注于职业道德,专注于当下, 它可以抵消由于沉迷于社交媒体、手机和其他东西而导致的注意力不集中.”


“(这是)理解为什么人们会有这样的行为动机, and being predictive in that process,” he says. “Also listening skills, which is how to draw out another human being, 剥开一层又一层的洋葱,露出一个人最大的焦虑, fears, hopes and dreams. If they learn to put themselves in the heart and mind of another person, then they have the ability to navigate through life gracefully.”

就像斯坦伯格在运动员退役后帮助他们建立慈善机构和基金会一样,弗朗西斯认为体育“对社会有很大的影响”,” capable of promoting positive change.

他说:“我的学生会告诉你,我们花了很多时间在现实生活中。. “We review legal cases. I teach sports law, sports finance, sports marketing. We spend a lot of time on what’s right, what’s wrong.”

菲律宾十大网赌网站体育商业专业的本科生目前有50多名学生. 校友们在NBA的金州勇士队和萨克拉门托国王队获得了工作和实习机会, the NHL in Toronto and Anaheim, the San Diego Padres and the Los Angeles Dodgers. 每年夏天,弗朗西斯继续教来自世界各地的加州大学洛杉矶分校学生.

斯坦伯格给康考迪亚和其他学校学生的建议很简单:“善待未来的自己,” Steinberg says. “在商业实践和人际关系中做那些可能不会立即见效的事情.”

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